Stochastic phantom 2D and reconstruction#
Using TomoPhantom to:#
build a phantom with randomised parameter values, using
functiongenerate analytical sinogram from it and add various artifacts to it
reconstruct the noisy sinogram using the Fourier method (ToMoBAR package required)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tomophantom import TomoP2D
from tomophantom.generator import foam2D
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 8]
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 80
# generate a random phantom
N_size = 256 # define the grid size
tot_objects = 300 # the total number of objects to generate
# define ranges for parameters
x0min = -0.9
x0max = 0.9
y0min = -0.9
y0max = 0.9
z0min = -0.9
z0max = 0.9
c0min = 0.01
c0max = 1.0
ab_min = 0.01
ab_max = 0.25
(Objfoam2D, myObjects) = foam2D(x0min, x0max, y0min, y0max, \
c0min, c0max, ab_min, ab_max, \
N_size, tot_objects, \
object_type = 'mix')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 21})
plt.imshow(Objfoam2D, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="gray")
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 0.5, 1], orientation='vertical')
plt.title('2D random phantom')
Text(0.5, 1.0, '2D random phantom')

# generate analytical sinogram
angles_num = int(0.5*np.pi*N_size); # angles number
angles = np.linspace(0,180,angles_num,dtype='float32')
angles_rad = angles*(np.pi/180)
P = int(np.sqrt(2)*N_size) #detectors
sino_Objfoam2D = TomoP2D.ObjectSino(N_size, P, angles, myObjects)
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 21})
plt.imshow(sino_Objfoam2D, cmap="gray")
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 150, 250], orientation='vertical')
plt.title('Analytical sinogram')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Analytical sinogram')

from tomophantom.artefacts import artefacts_mix
#adding noise
_noise_ = {'noise_type' : 'Poisson',
'noise_sigma' : 5000, # noise amplitude
'noise_seed' : 0}
# adding zingers and stripes
_zingers_ = {'zingers_percentage' : 0.2,
'zingers_modulus' : 10}
_stripes_ = {'stripes_percentage' : 0.8,
'stripes_maxthickness' : 2.0,
'stripes_intensity' : 0.25,
'stripes_type' : 'full',
'stripes_variability' : 0.002}
noisy_sino = artefacts_mix(sino_Objfoam2D, **_noise_, **_zingers_, \
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 21})
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 150, 250], orientation='vertical')
plt.title('Analytical noisy sinogram with artifacts')
Zingers have been added to the data.
Stripes leading to ring artefacts have been simulated.
Poisson noise has been added to the data.
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Analytical noisy sinogram with artifacts')

# one can use a ToMoBAR package to reconstruct the data
# install it with: conda install -c dkazanc tomobar
# initialise tomobar DIRECT reconstruction class ONCE
from tomobar.methodsDIR import RecToolsDIR
RectoolsDIR = RecToolsDIR(DetectorsDimH = P, # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
DetectorsDimV = None, # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical)
CenterRotOffset = None, # Centre of Rotation (CoR) scalar
AnglesVec = angles_rad, # array of angles in radians
ObjSize = N_size, # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("Reconstructing analytical sinogram using Fourier Slice method")
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
RecFourier = RectoolsDIR.FOURIER(noisy_sino, method='linear')
plt.imshow(RecFourier, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="gray")
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 0.5, 1], orientation='vertical')
plt.title('Fourier slice reconstruction')
Reconstructing analytical sinogram using Fourier Slice method
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Fourier slice reconstruction')

# partial volume effect and fresnel diffraction artifacts
_pve_ = {'pve_strength' : 1}
_fresnel_propagator_ = {'fresnel_dist_observation' : 10,
'fresnel_scale_factor' : 10,
'fresnel_wavelenght' : 0.003}
#adding noise
_noise_ = {'noise_type' : 'Poisson',
'noise_sigma' : 15000, # noise amplitude
'noise_seed' : 0}
noisy_sino_fresnel = artefacts_mix(sino_Objfoam2D, **_noise_, \
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 21})
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 150, 250], orientation='vertical')
plt.title('Analytical noisy sinogram with artifacts2')
Partial volume effect (PVE) has been simulated.
Fresnel propagator has been simulated.
Poisson noise has been added to the data.
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Analytical noisy sinogram with artifacts2')

# one can use a ToMoBAR package to reconstruct the data
# install it with: conda install -c dkazanc tomobar
# initialise tomobar DIRECT reconstruction class ONCE
from tomobar.methodsDIR import RecToolsDIR
RectoolsDIR = RecToolsDIR(DetectorsDimH = P, # DetectorsDimH # detector dimension (horizontal)
DetectorsDimV = None, # DetectorsDimV # detector dimension (vertical)
CenterRotOffset = None, # Centre of Rotation (CoR) scalar
AnglesVec = angles_rad, # array of angles in radians
ObjSize = N_size, # a scalar to define reconstructed object dimensions
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
print ("Reconstructing analytical sinogram2 using Fourier method")
print ("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%")
RecFourier2 = RectoolsDIR.FOURIER(noisy_sino_fresnel, method = 'linear')
plt.imshow(RecFourier2, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="gray")
plt.colorbar(ticks=[0, 0.5, 1], orientation='vertical')
plt.title('Fourier slice reconstruction')
Reconstructing analytical sinogram2 using Fourier method
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Fourier slice reconstruction')