Source code for tomobar.methodsIR_CuPy

"""Reconstruction class for regularised iterative methods using CuPy library.

* :func:`RecToolsIRCuPy.FISTA` iterative regularised algorithm [BT2009]_, [Xu2016]_. Implemented using ASTRA's DirectLink and CuPy, Regularisation Toolkit-CuPy.
* :func:`RecToolsIRCuPy.Landweber` algorithm.
* :func:`RecToolsIRCuPy.SIRT` algorithm.
* :func:`RecToolsIRCuPy.CGLS` algorithm.

import numpy as np
from typing import Union

    import cupy as cp
except ImportError:
        "Cupy library is a required dependency for this part of the code, please install"
    import astra
except ImportError:
    print("____! Astra-toolbox package is missing, please install !____")

from tomobar.supp.funcs import _data_dims_swapper
from tomobar.supp.dicts import dicts_check, _reinitialise_atools_OS
from tomobar.regularisersCuPy import prox_regul
from tomobar.astra_wrappers.astra_tools2d import AstraTools2D
from tomobar.astra_wrappers.astra_tools3d import AstraTools3D

[docs] class RecToolsIRCuPy: """CuPy-enabled iterative reconstruction algorithms using ASTRA toolbox, CCPi-RGL toolkit. Parameters for reconstruction algorithms should be provided in three dictionaries: :data:`_data_`, :data:`_algorithm_`, and :data:`_regularisation_`. See :mod:`tomobar.supp.dicts` function of ToMoBAR's :ref:`ref_api` for all parameters explained. If FISTA is used it will require CuPy-enabled routines of the CCPi-regularisation toolkit. This implementation is typically more than times faster than the one in RecToolsIR, however, please note that the functionality of FISTA is limited compared to the version of FISTA in RecToolsIR. The work is in progress and the current FISTA version is experimental. Args: DetectorsDimH (int): Horizontal detector dimension. DetectorsDimV (int): Vertical detector dimension for 3D case, 0 or None for 2D case. CenterRotOffset (float): The Centre of Rotation (CoR) scalar or a vector for each angle. AnglesVec (np.ndarray): Vector of projection angles in radians. ObjSize (int): Reconstructed object dimensions (a scalar). datafidelity (str, optional): Data fidelity, choose from LS and PWLS. Defaults to LS. device_projector (int, optional): Provide a GPU index of a specific GPU device. Defaults to 0. cupyrun (bool, optional): instantiate CuPy modules. """ def __init__( self, DetectorsDimH, # Horizontal detector dimension DetectorsDimV, # Vertical detector dimension (3D case), 0 or None for 2D case CenterRotOffset, # The Centre of Rotation scalar or a vector AnglesVec, # Array of projection angles in radians ObjSize, # Reconstructed object dimensions (scalar) datafidelity="LS", # Data fidelity, choose from LS and PWLS device_projector=0, # provide a GPU index (integer) of a specific device cupyrun=True, ): if DetectorsDimV == 0 or DetectorsDimV is None: raise ValueError("2D CuPy reconstruction is not yet supported, only 3D is") self.datafidelity = datafidelity self.cupyrun = cupyrun if DetectorsDimV == 0 or DetectorsDimV is None: self.geom = "2D" self.Atools = AstraTools2D( DetectorsDimH, AnglesVec, CenterRotOffset, ObjSize, "gpu", device_projector, ) else: self.geom = "3D" self.Atools = AstraTools3D( DetectorsDimH, DetectorsDimV, AnglesVec, CenterRotOffset, ObjSize, "gpu", device_projector, ) @property def datafidelity(self) -> int: return self._datafidelity @datafidelity.setter def datafidelity(self, datafidelity_val): if datafidelity_val not in ["LS", "PWLS", "SWLS", "KL"]: raise ValueError("Unknown data fidelity type, select: LS, PWLS, SWLS or KL") self._datafidelity = datafidelity_val @property def cupyrun(self) -> int: return self._cupyrun @cupyrun.setter def cupyrun(self, cupyrun_val): self._cupyrun = cupyrun_val
[docs] def Landweber( self, _data_: dict, _algorithm_: Union[dict, None] = None ) -> cp.ndarray: r"""Using Landweber iterative technique to reconstruct projection data given as a CuPy array. We perform the following iterations: :math:`x^{k+1} = x^{k} + \\tau * \mathbf{A}^{\intercal}(\mathbf{A}x^{k} - b)`. Args: _data_ (dict): Data dictionary, where projection data is provided. _algorithm_ (dict, optional): Algorithm dictionary where algorithm parameters are provided. Returns: cp.ndarray: The Landweber-reconstructed volume as a CuPy array. """ cp._default_memory_pool.free_all_blocks() ###################################################################### # parameters check and initialisation (_data_upd_, _algorithm_upd_, _regularisation_upd_) = dicts_check( self, _data_, _algorithm_, method_run="Landweber" ) ###################################################################### _data_["projection_norm_data"] = cp.ascontiguousarray( _data_["projection_norm_data"] ) x_rec = cp.zeros( astra.geom_size(self.Atools.vol_geom), dtype=cp.float32 ) # initialisation for iter_no in range(_algorithm_upd_["iterations"]): residual = ( self.Atools._forwprojCuPy(x_rec) - _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] ) # Ax - b term x_rec -= _algorithm_upd_["tau_step_lanweber"] * self.Atools._backprojCuPy( residual ) if _algorithm_upd_["nonnegativity"]: x_rec[x_rec < 0.0] = 0.0 return x_rec
[docs] def SIRT(self, _data_: dict, _algorithm_: Union[dict, None] = None) -> cp.ndarray: r"""Using Simultaneous Iterations Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) iterative technique to reconstruct projection data given as a CuPy array. We perform the following iterations: :math:`x^{k+1} = \mathbf{C}\mathbf{A}^{\intercal}\mathbf{R}(b - \mathbf{A}x^{k})`. Args: _data_ (dict): Data dictionary, where projection data is provided. _algorithm_ (dict, optional): Algorithm dictionary where algorithm parameters are provided. Returns: cp.ndarray: The SIRT-reconstructed volume as a CuPy array. """ ###################################################################### cp._default_memory_pool.free_all_blocks() # parameters check and initialisation (_data_upd_, _algorithm_upd_, _regularisation_upd_) = dicts_check( self, _data_, _algorithm_, method_run="SIRT" ) ###################################################################### epsilon = 1e-8 _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] = cp.ascontiguousarray( _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] ) # prepearing preconditioning matrices R and C R = 1 / self.Atools._forwprojCuPy( cp.ones(astra.geom_size(self.Atools.vol_geom), dtype=np.float32) ) R = cp.minimum(R, 1 / epsilon) C = 1 / self.Atools._backprojCuPy( cp.ones(astra.geom_size(self.Atools.proj_geom), dtype=np.float32) ) C = cp.minimum(C, 1 / epsilon) x_rec = cp.zeros( astra.geom_size(self.Atools.vol_geom), dtype=np.float32 ) # initialisation # perform iterations for iter_no in range(_algorithm_upd_["iterations"]): x_rec += C * self.Atools._backprojCuPy( R * ( _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] - self.Atools._forwprojCuPy(x_rec) ) ) if _algorithm_upd_["nonnegativity"]: x_rec[x_rec < 0.0] = 0.0 return x_rec
[docs] def CGLS(self, _data_: dict, _algorithm_: Union[dict, None] = None) -> cp.ndarray: r"""Conjugate Gradients Least Squares iterative technique to reconstruct projection data given as a CuPy array. The algorithm aim to solve the system of normal equations :math:`\mathbf{A}^{\intercal}\mathbf{A}x = \mathbf{A}^{\intercal} b`. Args: _data_ (dict): Data dictionary, where projection data is provided. _algorithm_ (dict, optional): Algorithm dictionary where algorithm parameters are provided. Returns: cp.ndarray: The CGLS-reconstructed volume as a CuPy array. """ cp._default_memory_pool.free_all_blocks() ###################################################################### # parameters check and initialisation (_data_upd_, _algorithm_upd_, _regularisation_upd_) = dicts_check( self, _data_, _algorithm_, method_run="CGLS" ) ###################################################################### data_input = cp.ascontiguousarray( cp.copy((_data_upd_["projection_norm_data"]), order="C") ) data_shape_3d = cp.shape(data_input) # Prepare for CG iterations. x_rec = cp.zeros( astra.geom_size(self.Atools.vol_geom), dtype=cp.float32 ) # initialisation x_shape_3d = cp.shape(x_rec) x_rec = cp.ravel(x_rec, order="C") # vectorise d = self.Atools._backprojCuPy(data_input) d = cp.ravel(d, order="C") normr2 = cp.inner(d, d) r = cp.ravel(data_input, order="C") # perform CG iterations for iter_no in range(_algorithm_upd_["iterations"]): # Update x_rec and r vectors: Ad = self.Atools._forwprojCuPy( cp.reshape(d, newshape=x_shape_3d, order="C") ) Ad = cp.ravel(Ad, order="C") alpha = normr2 / cp.inner(Ad, Ad) x_rec += alpha * d r -= alpha * Ad s = self.Atools._backprojCuPy( cp.reshape(r, newshape=data_shape_3d, order="C") ) s = cp.ravel(s, order="C") # Update d vector normr2_new = cp.inner(s, s) beta = normr2_new / normr2 normr2 = normr2_new.copy() d = s + beta * d if _algorithm_upd_["nonnegativity"]: x_rec[x_rec < 0.0] = 0.0 del d, s, beta, r, alpha, Ad, normr2_new, normr2 return cp.reshape(x_rec, newshape=x_shape_3d, order="C")
[docs] def powermethod(self, _data_: dict) -> float: r"""Power iteration algorithm to calculate the eigenvalue of the operator (projection matrix). projection_raw_data is required for the PWLS fidelity, otherwise will be ignored. Args: _data_ (dict): Data dictionary, where input data is provided. Returns: float: the Lipschitz constant """ if "data_axes_labels_order" not in _data_: _data_["data_axes_labels_order"] = None if ( self.datafidelity in ["PWLS", "SWLS"] and "projection_raw_data" not in _data_ ): raise ValueError("Please provide projection_raw_data for this model") if self.datafidelity in ["PWLS", "SWLS"]: sqweight = _data_["projection_raw_data"] if _data_["data_axes_labels_order"] is not None: if self.geom == "2D": _data_["projection_norm_data"] = _data_dims_swapper( _data_["projection_norm_data"], _data_["data_axes_labels_order"], ["angles", "detX"], ) if self.datafidelity in ["PWLS", "SWLS"]: _data_["projection_raw_data"] = _data_dims_swapper( _data_["projection_raw_data"], _data_["data_axes_labels_order"], ["angles", "detX"], ) sqweight = _data_["projection_raw_data"] else: _data_["projection_norm_data"] = _data_dims_swapper( _data_["projection_norm_data"], _data_["data_axes_labels_order"], ["detY", "angles", "detX"], ) if self.datafidelity in ["PWLS", "SWLS"]: _data_["projection_raw_data"] = _data_dims_swapper( _data_["projection_raw_data"], _data_["data_axes_labels_order"], ["detY", "angles", "detX"], ) sqweight = _data_["projection_raw_data"] # we need to reset the swap option here as the data already been modified so we don't swap it again in the method _data_["data_axes_labels_order"] = None if _data_.get("OS_number") is None: _data_["OS_number"] = 1 # the classical approach (default) else: _data_ = _reinitialise_atools_OS(self, _data_) power_iterations = 15 s = 1.0 proj_geom = astra.geom_size(self.Atools.vol_geom) x1 = cp.random.randn(*proj_geom, dtype=cp.float32) if _data_["OS_number"] == 1: # non-OS approach y = self.Atools._forwprojCuPy(x1) if self.datafidelity == "PWLS": y = cp.multiply(sqweight, y) for iterations in range(power_iterations): x1 = self.Atools._backprojCuPy(y) s = cp.linalg.norm(cp.ravel(x1), axis=0) x1 = x1 / s y = self.Atools._forwprojCuPy(x1) if self.datafidelity == "PWLS": y = cp.multiply(sqweight, y) else: # OS approach y = self.Atools._forwprojOSCuPy(x1, 0) if self.datafidelity == "PWLS": if self.geom == "2D": y = cp.multiply(sqweight[self.Atools.newInd_Vec[0, :], :], y) else: y = cp.multiply(sqweight[:, self.Atools.newInd_Vec[0, :], :], y) for iterations in range(power_iterations): x1 = self.Atools._backprojOSCuPy(y, 0) s = cp.linalg.norm(cp.ravel(x1), axis=0) x1 = x1 / s y = self.Atools._forwprojOSCuPy(x1, 0) if self.datafidelity == "PWLS": if self.geom == "2D": y = cp.multiply(sqweight[self.Atools.newInd_Vec[0, :], :], y) else: y = cp.multiply(sqweight[:, self.Atools.newInd_Vec[0, :], :], y) return s
[docs] def FISTA( self, _data_: dict, _algorithm_: Union[dict, None] = None, _regularisation_: Union[dict, None] = None, ) -> cp.ndarray: r"""A Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm [BT2009]_ with various types of regularisation from the regularisation toolkit [KAZ2019]_. All parameters for the algorithm should be provided in three dictionaries: :data:`_data_`, :data:`_algorithm_`, and :data:`_regularisation_`. See :mod:`tomobar.supp.dicts` function of ToMoBAR's :ref:`ref_api` for all parameters explained. Please note that not all of the functionality supported in this CuPy implementation compared to :func:`RecToolsIR.FISTA` from :mod:`tomobar.methodsIR`. Args: _data_ (dict): Data dictionary, where input data is provided. _algorithm_ (dict, optional): Algorithm dictionary where algorithm parameters are provided. _regularisation_ (dict, optional): Regularisation dictionary. Returns: cp.ndarray: FISTA-reconstructed 3D CuPy array """ cp._default_memory_pool.free_all_blocks() if self.geom == "2D": # 2D reconstruction raise ValueError("2D CuPy reconstruction is not yet supported") # initialise the solution X = cp.zeros(astra.geom_size(self.Atools.vol_geom), dtype=cp.float32) (_data_upd_, _algorithm_upd_, _regularisation_upd_) = dicts_check( self, _data_, _algorithm_, _regularisation_, method_run="FISTA" ) if _data_upd_["OS_number"] > 1: _data_upd_ = _reinitialise_atools_OS(self, _data_upd_) L_const_inv = cp.float32( 1.0 / _algorithm_upd_["lipschitz_const"] ) # inverted Lipschitz constant # re-initialise with CuPy array _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] = cp.ascontiguousarray( _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] ) t = cp.float32(1.0) X_t = cp.copy(X) # FISTA iterations for iter_no in range(_algorithm_upd_["iterations"]): # loop over subsets (OS) for sub_ind in range(_data_upd_["OS_number"]): X_old = X t_old = t if _data_upd_["OS_number"] > 1: # select a specific set of indeces for the subset (OS) indVec = self.Atools.newInd_Vec[sub_ind, :] if indVec[self.Atools.NumbProjBins - 1] == 0: indVec = indVec[:-1] # shrink vector size if self.datafidelity == "LS": # 3D Least-squares (LS) data fidelity - OS (linear) res = ( self.Atools._forwprojOSCuPy(X_t, sub_ind) - _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"][:, indVec, :] ) if self.datafidelity == "PWLS": # 3D Penalised Weighted Least-squares - OS data fidelity (approximately linear) res = np.multiply( _data_upd_["projection_raw_data"][:, indVec, :], ( self.Atools._forwprojOSCuPy(X_t, sub_ind) - _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"][:, indVec, :] ), ) # OS reduced gradient grad_fidelity = self.Atools._backprojOSCuPy(res, sub_ind) else: # full gradient res = ( self.Atools._forwprojCuPy(X_t) - _data_upd_["projection_norm_data"] ) grad_fidelity = self.Atools._backprojCuPy(res) X = X_t - L_const_inv * grad_fidelity if _algorithm_upd_["nonnegativity"]: X[X < 0.0] = 0.0 if _regularisation_upd_["method"] is not None: ##### The proximal operator of the chosen regulariser ##### X = prox_regul(self, X, _regularisation_upd_) t = cp.float32((1.0 + np.sqrt(1.0 + 4.0 * t**2)) * 0.5) X_t = X + cp.float32((t_old - 1.0) / t) * (X - X_old) return X