Installation Guide#

ToMoBAR is a Python package with several Dependencies to ensure its full functionality. It mostly relies on the GPU-enabled computations and therefore we suggest having a decent NVIDIA graphics card to support it.


Install ToMoBAR as a pre-built conda Python package:#

$ conda install -c httomo tomobar

or install with the main dependencies (preferably into a fresh environment):

$ conda install -c httomo -c astra-toolbox tomophantom tomobar astra-toolbox ccpi-regulariser pypwt

Create conda environment:#

Sometimes the one-liner above doesn’t work. In that case we suggest creating a new conda environment, and pip install ToMoBAR into it as shown bellow.

$ git clone # clone the repo
$ conda env create --name tomobar --file conda-recipe/environment/environment.yml
$ conda activate tomobar
$ pip install .

Developers environment#

This sets the development environment to work in-place on the code.

$ git clone # clone the repo
$ conda env create --name tomobar --file conda-recipe/environment/environment.yml
$ conda activate tomobar
$ pip install -e .[dev] # the editable environment
$ pytests tests/ # all tests should pass

Conda builds#

If one needs to conda-build the package, please follow the steps bellow:

$ export VERSION=$(date +%Y.%m) # OR set VERSION=2024.01 for Windows
$ git clone # clone the repo
$ conda build conda-recipe/
$ conda install path/to/the/tarball


Matlab part of ToMoBAR is not currently maintained and will be deprecated in future releases. The code and Demos we provide have been tested with Matlab 2018 and ASTRA-Toolbox version v1.8.3.