Source code for tomobar.methodsDIR_CuPy
"""Reconstruction class for 3D direct methods using CuPy-library.
* :func:`RecToolsDIRCuPy.FORWPROJ` and :func:`RecToolsDIRCuPy.BACKPROJ` - Forward/Backward projection modules (ASTRA with DirectLink and CuPy).
* :func:`RecToolsDIRCuPy.FBP` - Filtered Back Projection (ASTRA, the filter is implemented with CuPy).
* :func:`RecToolsDIRCuPy.FOURIER_INV` - Fourier direct reconstruction on unequally spaced grids (interpolation in image space), aka log-polar method [NIKITIN2017]_.
import numpy as np
import cupy as xp
from cupyx.scipy.fft import fftshift, ifftshift, fft, ifft2, rfftfreq, rfft, irfft
from cupyx.scipy.interpolate import interpn, RegularGridInterpolator
import cupyx
except ImportError:
import numpy as xp
"Cupy library is a required dependency for this part of the code, please install"
from tomobar.supp.suppTools import _check_kwargs
from tomobar.supp.funcs import _data_dims_swapper
from tomobar.fourier import _filtersinc3D_cupy, calc_filter
from tomobar.cuda_kernels import load_cuda_module
from tomobar.methodsDIR import RecToolsDIR
class RecToolsDIRCuPy(RecToolsDIR):
"""Reconstruction class using direct methods with CuPy API.
DetectorsDimH (int): Horizontal detector dimension.
DetectorsDimV (int): Vertical detector dimension for 3D case, 0 or None for 2D case.
CenterRotOffset (float, ndarray): The Centre of Rotation (CoR) scalar or a vector for each angle.
AnglesVec (np.ndarray): Vector of projection angles in radians.
ObjSize (int): Reconstructed object dimensions (a scalar).
device_projector (int): An index (integer) of a specific GPU device.
def __init__(
DetectorsDimH, # Horizontal detector dimension
DetectorsDimV, # Vertical detector dimension (3D case)
CenterRotOffset, # The Centre of Rotation scalar or a vector
AnglesVec, # Array of projection angles in radians
ObjSize, # Reconstructed object dimensions (scalar)
device_projector=0, # set an index (integer) of a specific GPU device
# if DetectorsDimV == 0 or DetectorsDimV is None:
# raise ValueError("2D CuPy reconstruction is not yet supported, only 3D is")
def FORWPROJ(self, data: xp.ndarray, **kwargs) -> xp.ndarray:
"""Module to perform forward projection of 2d/3d data as a cupy array
data (xp.ndarray): 2D or 3D object as a cupy array
Keyword Args:
data_axes_labels_order (Union[list, None], optional): The order of the axes labels for the OUTPUT data.
When "None" we assume ["angles", "detX"] for 2D and ["detY", "angles", "detX"] for 3D.
xp.ndarray: Forward projected cupy array (projection data)
projected = self.Atools._forwprojCuPy(data)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == "data_axes_labels_order" and value is not None:
projected = _data_dims_swapper(
projected, value, ["detY", "angles", "detX"]
return projected
def BACKPROJ(self, projdata: xp.ndarray, **kwargs) -> xp.ndarray:
"""Module to perform back-projection of 2d/3d data as a cupy array
projdata (xp.ndarray): 2D/3D projection data as a cupy array
Keyword Args:
data_axes_labels_order (Union[list, None], optional): The order of the axes labels for the input data.
When "None" we assume ["angles", "detX"] for 2D and ["detY", "angles", "detX"] for 3D.
xp.ndarray: Backprojected 2D/3D object
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == "data_axes_labels_order" and value is not None:
projdata = _data_dims_swapper(
projdata, value, ["detY", "angles", "detX"]
return self.Atools._backprojCuPy(projdata)
def FBP(self, data: xp.ndarray, **kwargs) -> xp.ndarray:
"""Filtered backprojection reconstruction on a CuPy array using a custom built SINC filter.
data (xp.ndarray): projection data as a CuPy array
Keyword Args:
data_axes_labels_order (Union[list, None], optional): The order of the axes labels for the input data.
When "None" we assume ["angles", "detX"] for 2D and ["angles", "detY", "detX"] for 3D.
recon_mask_radius (float): zero values outside the circular mask of a certain radius. To see the effect of the cropping, set the value in the range [0.7-1.0].
cutoff_freq (float): Cutoff frequency parameter for the sinc filter.
xp.ndarray: The FBP reconstructed volume as a CuPy array.
cutoff_freq = 1.1 # default value
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == "data_axes_labels_order" and value is not None:
data = _data_dims_swapper(data, value, ["angles", "detY", "detX"])
if key == "cutoff_freq" and value is not None:
cutoff_freq = value
# filter the data on the GPU and keep the result there
data = _filtersinc3D_cupy(data, cutoff=cutoff_freq)
data = xp.ascontiguousarray(xp.swapaxes(data, 0, 1))
xp._default_memory_pool.free_all_blocks() # free everything related to the filtering before starting Astra
reconstruction = self.Atools._backprojCuPy(data) # 3d backprojecting
cache = xp.fft.config.get_plan_cache()
cache.clear() # flush FFT cache here before performing ifft to save the memory
return _check_kwargs(reconstruction, **kwargs)
def FOURIER_INV(self, data: xp.ndarray, **kwargs) -> xp.ndarray:
"""Fourier direct inversion in 3D on unequally spaced (also called as NonUniform FFT/NUFFT) grids using CuPy array as an input.
This implementation follows V. Nikitin's CUDA-C implementation: and TomoCuPy package.
data (xp.ndarray): projection data as a CuPy array
Keyword Args:
data_axes_labels_order (Union[list, None], optional): The order of the axes labels for the input data.
When "None" we assume ["angles", "detX"] for 2D and ["angles", "detY", "detX"] for 3D.
recon_mask_radius (float): zero values outside the circular mask of a certain radius. To see the effect of the cropping, set the value in the range [0.7-1.0].
xp.ndarray: The NUFFT reconstructed volume as a CuPy array.
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == "data_axes_labels_order" and value is not None:
data = _data_dims_swapper(data, value, ["detY", "angles", "detX"])
# extract kernels from CUDA modules
module = load_cuda_module("fft_us_kernels")
gather_kernel = module.get_function("gather_kernel")
wrap_kernel = module.get_function("wrap_kernel")
# initialisation
[nz, nproj, n] = data.shape
recon_size = self.Atools.recon_size
if recon_size > n:
raise ValueError(
"The reconstruction size {} should not be larger than the size of the horizontal detector {}".format(
recon_size, n
odd_horiz = False
if (n % 2) != 0:
n = n - 1 # dealing with the odd horizontal detector size
odd_horiz = True
odd_vert = False
if (nz % 2) != 0:
# the vertical dimension must be also even, so we need to extend the array. Not efficient.
data_p = xp.empty((nz + 1, nproj, n), dtype=xp.float32)
if odd_horiz:
data_p[:nz, :, :] = data[:, :, :-1]
data_p[:nz, :, :] = data
data = data_p
nz += 1
odd_vert = True
del data_p
rotation_axis = self.Atools.centre_of_rotation - 0.5
if odd_horiz:
rotation_axis -= 1
theta = xp.array(-self.Atools.angles_vec, dtype=xp.float32)
# usfft parameters
eps = 1e-3 # accuracy of usfft
mu = -np.log(eps) / (2 * n * n)
m = int(
2 * n * 1 / np.pi * np.sqrt(-mu * np.log(eps) + (mu * n) * (mu * n) / 4)
oversampling_level = 2 # at least 2 or larger required
# memory for recon
if odd_horiz:
recon_up = xp.empty([nz, n + 1, n + 1], dtype=xp.float32)
recon_up = xp.empty([nz, n, n], dtype=xp.float32)
# extra arrays
# interpolation kernel
t = xp.linspace(-1 / 2, 1 / 2, n, endpoint=False, dtype=xp.float32)
[dx, dy] = xp.meshgrid(t, t)
phi = xp.exp(mu * (n * n) * (dx * dx + dy * dy)) * ((1 - n % 4) / nproj)
# padded fft, reusable by chunks
fde = xp.zeros([nz // 2, 2 * m + 2 * n, 2 * m + 2 * n], dtype=xp.complex64)
# (+1,-1) arrays for fftshift
c1dfftshift = xp.empty(n, dtype=xp.int8)
c1dfftshift[::2] = -1
c1dfftshift[1::2] = 1
c2dfftshift = xp.empty((2 * n, 2 * n), dtype=xp.int8)
c2dfftshift[0::2, 1::2] = -1
c2dfftshift[1::2, 0::2] = -1
c2dfftshift[0::2, 0::2] = 1
c2dfftshift[1::2, 1::2] = 1
# init filter
ne = oversampling_level * n
padding_m = ne // 2 - n // 2
padding_p = ne // 2 + n // 2
wfilter = calc_filter(ne, "ramp")
# STEP0: FBP filtering
t = rfftfreq(ne).astype(xp.float32)
w = wfilter * xp.exp(-2 * xp.pi * 1j * t * (-rotation_axis))
# I remember the bellow part may use a lot of memory due to "w*" operation,
# if so you can do it as a loop over slices/angles
tmp = xp.pad(data, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (padding_m, padding_m)), mode="edge")
tmp = irfft(w * rfft(tmp, axis=2), axis=2)
tmp_p = tmp[:, :, padding_m:padding_p]
del tmp
# !work with complex numbers by setting a half of the array as real and another half as imag
datac = tmp_p[: nz // 2] + 1j * tmp_p[nz // 2 :]
# can be done without introducing array datac, saves memory, see tomocupy (TODO)
del tmp_p
# STEP1: fft 1d
datac = fft(c1dfftshift * datac) * c1dfftshift * (4 / n)
# STEP2: interpolation (gathering) in the frequency domain
# When profiling gather_kernel takes up to 50% of the time!
(int(xp.ceil(n / 32)), int(xp.ceil(nproj / 32)), nz // 2),
(32, 32, 1),
np.int32(nz // 2),
int(np.ceil((2 * n + 2 * m) / 32)),
int(np.ceil((2 * n + 2 * m) / 32)),
np.int32(nz // 2),
(32, 32, 1),
(fde, n, nz // 2, m),
# STEP3: ifft 2d
fde2 = fde[
:, m:-m, m:-m
] # can be done without introducing array fde2, saves memory, see tomocupy (TODO)
fde2 = cupyx.scipy.fft.ifft2(
fde2 * c2dfftshift, axes=(-2, -1), overwrite_x=True
fde2 *= c2dfftshift
# STEP4: unpadding, multiplication by phi
fde2 = fde2[:, n // 2 : 3 * n // 2, n // 2 : 3 * n // 2] * phi
# restructure memory
if odd_horiz:
recon_up[:, :-1, :-1] = xp.concatenate((fde2.real, fde2.imag))
recon_up[:] = xp.concatenate((fde2.real, fde2.imag))
del fde, fde2, datac
if odd_vert:
unpad_z = nz - 1
unpad_z = nz
unpad_recon_m = n // 2 - recon_size // 2
unpad_recon_p = n // 2 + recon_size // 2
return _check_kwargs(